The door burst open, panting, out of breath, six people ran inside, one girl shouldering another, dragging her weary body over to a near by couch, the two guys within the group slam the door shut, one of them upturning a close by table, sending paper and pens into the air and scattering to the ground, pushing it quickly in front of the large wooden door he breathed a sigh of relief. All was quiet, the house seemingly abandoned. One of the girls stood tentatively at the window, peering through the blinds obscuring the window. In the background she could hear the other people she had entered with talking, raised voices, obviously deeply panicked.
‘She’s going to bleed to death’ said one girl, elevating her voice above anyone else, ‘we need to get her to a hospital or she does not stand a chance!’ she added, holding a scrap of cloth onto the bleeding girls blooded shoulder. ‘You think any hospital is going to be different?’ said one guy, pushing his way past another girl standing close, ‘You think they haven’t reached every hospital in the fucking area by now?’ he cursed, agitated. ‘Tyler, we have to try’ said the girl he pushed past, looking at her friend struggling for breath on the sofa. ‘We need to end it’ said Tyler edging his hand behind his back and pulling out a gun. ‘What the fuck man!’ called the other guy, grabbing at Tyler’s arm, ‘You can’t just shoot her!’ he demanded, pushing Tyler’s arm down to his side, Tyler struggled and aimed the gun at the other guy, his face contorted, getting more aggravated, ‘don’t fucking test me Dan’ said Tyler through gritted teeth, Dan quickly backed away holding his hands up in submission, ‘okay, alright, calm down’ he said softly trying to sooth the situation, the girl tending to her sick friend stood up and stared at Tyler, still pointing the gun at Dan, ‘You won’t solve anything by hurting more people you selfish bastard!’ she cried, pointing her finger at him, ‘she will be fine, she just needs medical attention you..,’ suddenly the girl at the window interrupted, ‘she’s dead already, she’s been bitten, within half an hour she’ll be ripping your throat out’ she said, sternly – ‘is that what you want, Arna?’ she continued, pulling everyone’s attention to her, ‘harsh much, Isabella?’ said Dan giving her a worried look. ‘Harsh or not it’s the truth and if you are honest you know that if we don’t kill Maria now, then Maria will kill us!’ she replied, cutting the warm air with her hand, slapping at the palm of her hand. Suddenly Maria began to cough and splutter, her breath raspy and harsh, Tyler pointed the gun at her, clicking the safety latch off he took aim at her head, ‘Tyler!’ said Dan trying to avert his attention, Isabella pushes her arm in front of Dan, stopping his interjection, Arna standing next to Maria, began to raise her voice, ‘No, you can’t shoot her, you don’t get to decide’ she shouted, sobbing, tears streaming down her flustered face. Mika standing behind Tyler held her hands over her ears, anticipating the deafening sound of the bullet. Tyler leaned over Maria, picking up a cushion he placed it over her head to soften the sound, still coughing and hissing Maria’s struggled breaths are muffled as the cushion smothers her face, ‘It has to be done.’ says Isabella softly grabbing Arna’s arm, the gun clocks and suddenly Arna lunges at Tyler, trying desperately to avert his aim, the gun goes off, making a large bang, deafening. Dan and Isabella lunge backwards, Mika falls onto the wall, holding her eyes closed, struggling the gun goes off again as Tyler pushes Arna strongly to the ground, her face enraged, Isabella reaches down to help Arna up but Arna looks at her, disgustedly and picks herself up, walking behind the couch, suddenly Maria splutters once again, both bullets had missed, Arna runs passed Mika, Tyler watches as she runs to the door, looking closely he sees her holding a fire poker, she reaches for the table by the door and throws it to a side, barely missing Mika who falls back to Dan and Isabella, ‘fuck you!’ screams Arna grasping the door handle, ‘NO!’ shrieks Isabella holding her hand up as a stop sign, but to no avail, Arna swings the door open and is immediately met by a horde of people, zombified, blood stained people, some with chunks of their face, neck and upper body missing, deep bite wounds littering their frail bodies, Arna screams as they rush their hands at her body, pulling her towards them, clawing at her clothing, her skin. Mika screams loudly and pushes her way past Dan and Isabella, both too shocked to move – watching on as Arna is pulled out of the door and repeatedly bitten, her screams desperate and heartbreaking, ‘Fuck’ shouts Tyler as the zombies dash past Arna and into the large room, he unloads four or five bullets into the room, each hitting the zombies in the head, their brain matter exploding out the back of their head, unrelenting they run into the room, quickly, almost like water they pile in, Tyler keeps shooting and edging backwards, Isabella, Dan and Mika quickly run around the sofa towards a hall way, as they do so Maria sits up, the cushion falling from her face, revealing an evil, menacing scowl, she reacts immediately, grasping at Isabella as she quickly tries to run past, screaming she tries to defend herself, seeing the onslaught of Zombies quickly following her and her friends, suddenly Mika smashes Maria in the face with a metal lamp, averting her attention, allowing her, Isabella and Dan to slip past, Isabella looked at the zombies, the once human beasts, who are now fixed in the doorway, pulling Arna’s body limb from limb, eating away at her fresh and organs, she carries on running to the hallway, clear, nothing obstructing them, suddenly Tyler jumps in front of them, still holding the gun, with a flash he takes the lead as all four run into the hallway, slamming shut the door, the sound of ripping flesh is still heard, the moans of the zombies ever as intimidating, Mika catches her breath and runs to the kitchen area, pushing herself onto the work tops she peers through the window, seemingly peaceful, it looks deserted, she looks around the garden and sees a wooded area, trees, maybe a forest backing onto the garden, she quickly looks back around at Tyler, Isabella and Dan, ‘we need to head for the trees’ she exclaims, Dan walks over to the window, ‘she’s right’ he says, looking at her, reassuringly caressing her shoulder, Tyler and Isabella join them and quickly the four try and find the exit, the door they entered is now being pounded, Isabella looks on as the door rattles and bends as their pursuers hammer at the door, trying to find their next meal. Tyler suddenly finds the back door, ‘here!’ he says bluntly, pulling at the handle, Mika and Isabella join him, willing him to pull open the door, Dan also joins them and hangs a key in front of Tyler’s face, Tyler snatches it with a snort and quickly unlocks the door, opening it slowly he sneaks out into the pitch black, no noises at all, incredibly peaceful, Mika and Dan quickly follow as does Isabella holding a large kitchen knife, they huddle together and head for the trees, Tyler holding the gun out in front, his trigger finger itchy, awaiting the need to fire.
They quickly reach the edge of the woods and suddenly they hear moaning, they all flinch as they see a large group of Zombies within the trees, ‘Oh my god, back to the house’ says Isabella, almost whispering, Dan and Mika turn around and bump into Isabella and Tyler, still facing the trees, the zombies from the house have broken out, the back door crashes open and they quickly run at Tyler and his friends, dashing in opposite directions the friends try and avoid the zombies, Mika and Dan sticking together they run across the yard, pushing at a gate leading back onto the street, the Zombies get ever close, Dan picks up a baseball bat from the floor nearby and attacks, smashing the ravenous monsters in their heads, forcing them to back up and fall to the floor, Isabella backs up into corner and wields the kitchen knife, the zombies relentlessly attacking her, she stabs the knife into their skin, blood exploding everywhere, covering her, fighting for her life Isabella screams and forces the attacking zombies away, giving herself space to swing the blade, swinging her arm she stanbs one in the head, the knife protruding the other side, the street lights allowing the red of the blood to shine like crystals, she retracts the knife and pushes the dead body aside with a heroic grunt, she looks at Dan and Mika, sees them struggle and she dashes to their aid, Mika still trying to open the gate as a zombie pushes past Dan and lunges at her, reacting quickly she picks up a shovel and swings it at the monster, slamming the sharp edge into it's face, scalping it and causing blood to spray all over her, another zombie runs at her, suddenly a gun shot and the zombie falls to the floor as the smoke from the gun whisks into the air, Isabella and Dan carry on fighting as the remaining zombie attacking them, Tyler suddenly runs over, Isabella looks at his concentrated face, following his eye line she looks over at the door, a motor bike is on it’s side, gasoline pouring onto the floor, he takes aim and shoots, the gasoline explodes, erupting into chaos, the back of the house obliterated, debris dropping to the floor, shards of glass twinkling like stars at they fall from the sky, the zombies still inside moaning and almost screaming as their flesh melts, suddenly another explosion detonates, a small metal barbeque near by explodes, the metal shooting through the air, hearing a whooshing sound the four duck for cover, Isabella looks up as they all fall to the floor, as she does she sees Tyler, a huge chunk of metal penetrates his head, almost cutting it clean off, he slumps to the floor, blood gushing from his head wound, Mika’s eyes widen as his neck pulsates, Isabella moves away as blood sprays the floor, ‘Ty...’ says Dan, slapping his hands over his mouth, in the distance the zombies in the house are still screaming, looking on the friends can see the undead running around, engulfed in flames, Isabella is the first to stand up, she walks to Tyler and unlatches his grip on the gun, she pushes his open eyes closed and looks at him admirably, turning around she sees Dan and Mika embraced, she pushes past them and kicks open the fencing, Dan and Mika stand up, Mika struggling to walk, wounded by the blast that killed Tyler, she clings to Dan as they walk through the gate, looking into the road they see a convoy of vehicles, people walking on foot, a woman points a gun at them, a man joins her, Isabella raises her gun and they suddenly drop theirs, ‘survivors!’ the man says wide eyed, ‘not seen any of you guys for about twelve blocks’ he says, Isabella relaxes her stance and lets her arm hit her side, ‘are you coming?’ says the woman, motioning for Mika, Isabella and Dan to follow, they do so, joining a large group of armed people, police, army and civilian, in the distance they hear gun shots but the traffic keeps moving, explosions and fire is all around, but they are safe…for now.
‘She’s going to bleed to death’ said one girl, elevating her voice above anyone else, ‘we need to get her to a hospital or she does not stand a chance!’ she added, holding a scrap of cloth onto the bleeding girls blooded shoulder. ‘You think any hospital is going to be different?’ said one guy, pushing his way past another girl standing close, ‘You think they haven’t reached every hospital in the fucking area by now?’ he cursed, agitated. ‘Tyler, we have to try’ said the girl he pushed past, looking at her friend struggling for breath on the sofa. ‘We need to end it’ said Tyler edging his hand behind his back and pulling out a gun. ‘What the fuck man!’ called the other guy, grabbing at Tyler’s arm, ‘You can’t just shoot her!’ he demanded, pushing Tyler’s arm down to his side, Tyler struggled and aimed the gun at the other guy, his face contorted, getting more aggravated, ‘don’t fucking test me Dan’ said Tyler through gritted teeth, Dan quickly backed away holding his hands up in submission, ‘okay, alright, calm down’ he said softly trying to sooth the situation, the girl tending to her sick friend stood up and stared at Tyler, still pointing the gun at Dan, ‘You won’t solve anything by hurting more people you selfish bastard!’ she cried, pointing her finger at him, ‘she will be fine, she just needs medical attention you..,’ suddenly the girl at the window interrupted, ‘she’s dead already, she’s been bitten, within half an hour she’ll be ripping your throat out’ she said, sternly – ‘is that what you want, Arna?’ she continued, pulling everyone’s attention to her, ‘harsh much, Isabella?’ said Dan giving her a worried look. ‘Harsh or not it’s the truth and if you are honest you know that if we don’t kill Maria now, then Maria will kill us!’ she replied, cutting the warm air with her hand, slapping at the palm of her hand. Suddenly Maria began to cough and splutter, her breath raspy and harsh, Tyler pointed the gun at her, clicking the safety latch off he took aim at her head, ‘Tyler!’ said Dan trying to avert his attention, Isabella pushes her arm in front of Dan, stopping his interjection, Arna standing next to Maria, began to raise her voice, ‘No, you can’t shoot her, you don’t get to decide’ she shouted, sobbing, tears streaming down her flustered face. Mika standing behind Tyler held her hands over her ears, anticipating the deafening sound of the bullet. Tyler leaned over Maria, picking up a cushion he placed it over her head to soften the sound, still coughing and hissing Maria’s struggled breaths are muffled as the cushion smothers her face, ‘It has to be done.’ says Isabella softly grabbing Arna’s arm, the gun clocks and suddenly Arna lunges at Tyler, trying desperately to avert his aim, the gun goes off, making a large bang, deafening. Dan and Isabella lunge backwards, Mika falls onto the wall, holding her eyes closed, struggling the gun goes off again as Tyler pushes Arna strongly to the ground, her face enraged, Isabella reaches down to help Arna up but Arna looks at her, disgustedly and picks herself up, walking behind the couch, suddenly Maria splutters once again, both bullets had missed, Arna runs passed Mika, Tyler watches as she runs to the door, looking closely he sees her holding a fire poker, she reaches for the table by the door and throws it to a side, barely missing Mika who falls back to Dan and Isabella, ‘fuck you!’ screams Arna grasping the door handle, ‘NO!’ shrieks Isabella holding her hand up as a stop sign, but to no avail, Arna swings the door open and is immediately met by a horde of people, zombified, blood stained people, some with chunks of their face, neck and upper body missing, deep bite wounds littering their frail bodies, Arna screams as they rush their hands at her body, pulling her towards them, clawing at her clothing, her skin. Mika screams loudly and pushes her way past Dan and Isabella, both too shocked to move – watching on as Arna is pulled out of the door and repeatedly bitten, her screams desperate and heartbreaking, ‘Fuck’ shouts Tyler as the zombies dash past Arna and into the large room, he unloads four or five bullets into the room, each hitting the zombies in the head, their brain matter exploding out the back of their head, unrelenting they run into the room, quickly, almost like water they pile in, Tyler keeps shooting and edging backwards, Isabella, Dan and Mika quickly run around the sofa towards a hall way, as they do so Maria sits up, the cushion falling from her face, revealing an evil, menacing scowl, she reacts immediately, grasping at Isabella as she quickly tries to run past, screaming she tries to defend herself, seeing the onslaught of Zombies quickly following her and her friends, suddenly Mika smashes Maria in the face with a metal lamp, averting her attention, allowing her, Isabella and Dan to slip past, Isabella looked at the zombies, the once human beasts, who are now fixed in the doorway, pulling Arna’s body limb from limb, eating away at her fresh and organs, she carries on running to the hallway, clear, nothing obstructing them, suddenly Tyler jumps in front of them, still holding the gun, with a flash he takes the lead as all four run into the hallway, slamming shut the door, the sound of ripping flesh is still heard, the moans of the zombies ever as intimidating, Mika catches her breath and runs to the kitchen area, pushing herself onto the work tops she peers through the window, seemingly peaceful, it looks deserted, she looks around the garden and sees a wooded area, trees, maybe a forest backing onto the garden, she quickly looks back around at Tyler, Isabella and Dan, ‘we need to head for the trees’ she exclaims, Dan walks over to the window, ‘she’s right’ he says, looking at her, reassuringly caressing her shoulder, Tyler and Isabella join them and quickly the four try and find the exit, the door they entered is now being pounded, Isabella looks on as the door rattles and bends as their pursuers hammer at the door, trying to find their next meal. Tyler suddenly finds the back door, ‘here!’ he says bluntly, pulling at the handle, Mika and Isabella join him, willing him to pull open the door, Dan also joins them and hangs a key in front of Tyler’s face, Tyler snatches it with a snort and quickly unlocks the door, opening it slowly he sneaks out into the pitch black, no noises at all, incredibly peaceful, Mika and Dan quickly follow as does Isabella holding a large kitchen knife, they huddle together and head for the trees, Tyler holding the gun out in front, his trigger finger itchy, awaiting the need to fire.
They quickly reach the edge of the woods and suddenly they hear moaning, they all flinch as they see a large group of Zombies within the trees, ‘Oh my god, back to the house’ says Isabella, almost whispering, Dan and Mika turn around and bump into Isabella and Tyler, still facing the trees, the zombies from the house have broken out, the back door crashes open and they quickly run at Tyler and his friends, dashing in opposite directions the friends try and avoid the zombies, Mika and Dan sticking together they run across the yard, pushing at a gate leading back onto the street, the Zombies get ever close, Dan picks up a baseball bat from the floor nearby and attacks, smashing the ravenous monsters in their heads, forcing them to back up and fall to the floor, Isabella backs up into corner and wields the kitchen knife, the zombies relentlessly attacking her, she stabs the knife into their skin, blood exploding everywhere, covering her, fighting for her life Isabella screams and forces the attacking zombies away, giving herself space to swing the blade, swinging her arm she stanbs one in the head, the knife protruding the other side, the street lights allowing the red of the blood to shine like crystals, she retracts the knife and pushes the dead body aside with a heroic grunt, she looks at Dan and Mika, sees them struggle and she dashes to their aid, Mika still trying to open the gate as a zombie pushes past Dan and lunges at her, reacting quickly she picks up a shovel and swings it at the monster, slamming the sharp edge into it's face, scalping it and causing blood to spray all over her, another zombie runs at her, suddenly a gun shot and the zombie falls to the floor as the smoke from the gun whisks into the air, Isabella and Dan carry on fighting as the remaining zombie attacking them, Tyler suddenly runs over, Isabella looks at his concentrated face, following his eye line she looks over at the door, a motor bike is on it’s side, gasoline pouring onto the floor, he takes aim and shoots, the gasoline explodes, erupting into chaos, the back of the house obliterated, debris dropping to the floor, shards of glass twinkling like stars at they fall from the sky, the zombies still inside moaning and almost screaming as their flesh melts, suddenly another explosion detonates, a small metal barbeque near by explodes, the metal shooting through the air, hearing a whooshing sound the four duck for cover, Isabella looks up as they all fall to the floor, as she does she sees Tyler, a huge chunk of metal penetrates his head, almost cutting it clean off, he slumps to the floor, blood gushing from his head wound, Mika’s eyes widen as his neck pulsates, Isabella moves away as blood sprays the floor, ‘Ty...’ says Dan, slapping his hands over his mouth, in the distance the zombies in the house are still screaming, looking on the friends can see the undead running around, engulfed in flames, Isabella is the first to stand up, she walks to Tyler and unlatches his grip on the gun, she pushes his open eyes closed and looks at him admirably, turning around she sees Dan and Mika embraced, she pushes past them and kicks open the fencing, Dan and Mika stand up, Mika struggling to walk, wounded by the blast that killed Tyler, she clings to Dan as they walk through the gate, looking into the road they see a convoy of vehicles, people walking on foot, a woman points a gun at them, a man joins her, Isabella raises her gun and they suddenly drop theirs, ‘survivors!’ the man says wide eyed, ‘not seen any of you guys for about twelve blocks’ he says, Isabella relaxes her stance and lets her arm hit her side, ‘are you coming?’ says the woman, motioning for Mika, Isabella and Dan to follow, they do so, joining a large group of armed people, police, army and civilian, in the distance they hear gun shots but the traffic keeps moving, explosions and fire is all around, but they are safe…for now.
I LOVE THISSS!!! POST SOME MORE STORIES ASAPPPP! Thanks for including me in this, it felt exactly like things I would do all along. I really hope I can be in some other stories of yours!! You're such a talented writer.
Lots of love,
M!KA - Mik-Ma
Wow - That's fab! It reminded me of Channel 4's Dead Set, but far more intense and pulse pounding - I can't even imagine how long it took you to write that! Woah!
- Hunni x x x
You are an amazing writer, I love reading your work, keep it up man!
If I had a life I wouldn't be sitting on my behind writing these stories. Study for exams, do your homework, get better grades!
People really need to quit spending there time writing crap. It doesn't give you anything in the long run.
This sucks. Sorry.
Haha, Thanks for including me in your story! :)
You're an amazing writer! Are you the "Fan" though?
wow! this story is fab, you're very talented in writing! :D
You're very talented.Perhaps,you should write a book.On real life!Because a talent like this shouldn't be throw away by just telling it in a site...tell it on real life!Anyway,well done!I love it.
OMG, so talented. O.o
but really, if that would really happen i'd be able to run from them, im a fast runner, i got a gold medal for winning in some competition in running haha, and in throwing some stuff. :P
but im officially a FAN of your writing!
wow you are really good, keep up the good work :)
Love it :D
I love reading your work. As Dan said, Keep it up!
Oh this is such a great story!
Great work :)
Your stories really freak me out! You are so good!
Wow! Your stories are amazing! I love them!! Keep writing! :)
I'm confused...
Horrifyingly Brilliant!
I Loved It.
Keep Up The Great Stories :)
Eww I hate it it's bad becouse fag_puff is in it eww he's a bastard fuck him!
I'm serious now, yu need to change the music because a really loud part came on as it got to a scary bit and I wet myself, I'm dead serious and I'm upset right now.
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