A tall blond girl walked briskly through the food court, her heels clapping in succession as she made her way through the hoards of fellow students, her face made up to perfection, as she walked by she took peoples breath away with her beauty, everyone knew her, everyone wanted to be her friend – Ellie, she quickly came to a halt bedside on table, looking around she placed a folded piece of paper onto the surface, the people sitting down looked at her knowingly, ‘You didn’t!’ said one girl snatching the piece of paper up, unfolding the white sheet her eyes gleamed, a smile quickly spread across her face, biting her bottom lip softly Ellie pursed her lips, ‘I did’ she smirked resting her hand on her hip, ‘Oh my god!’ exclaimed another girl, dark skinned, just as beautiful as Ellie. She leaped from the table and skipped into Ellie’s arms, ‘you are amazing’ she purred, hugging her friend, ‘You are very welcome, Dee’ said Ellie proudly, the letter being passed around raised everyone’s spirits, all smiling and thanking Ellie, the letter ended up with Alice, sat at the end of the table, she quickly looked at the paper; it stated that a rave would be taking place out in the woods in West Virginia and that to find out the location you had to wire $200 to a third source and you would get sent a map – Alice stared at the paper, her friend Dan nudged her ‘cool, huh?’ he asked, Alice smiled at him but unconvinced Dan turned toward her, ‘what?’ he asked rolling his eyes, ‘nothing!’ said Alice forcing a smile, ‘I know you and I know that you're not digging this’ Dan said knowingly, ‘I just…’ Alice paused ‘is it a good idea?’ she finally said, ‘Dan raised his eyebrows and pierced his lips, Ellie over heard them and interjected, ‘Are you real? this party is THE party, you’re either there or you’re nothing, you can count on the rest of your year being spent in your room, watching Gossip Girl and crying into your pillow, you have to be kidding…is it a good idea, it’s the best! and to be brutally honest, if you don't see that then your space in the car should be filled by somebody else.’ she said, scolding Alice, flicking her hair Ellie looked back over her shoulder at Dee, who looked embarrassed, Alice had no idea where to look, Dan nudged her again and smiled ‘I guess she’s on her period’ her said sarcastically motioning to Ellie, Alice laughed and lightly slapped her friends arm, Ellie gave her another growl and she walked away, followed by Dee, her boyfriend Mario and Lou, leaving Dan and Alice sitting at the table together, ‘she’s kind of right you know’ said a voice behind them, sitting the other side of the table was Anthony, their ever enthusiastic friend, her leaned over the table and took a peek at the invite, ‘you going?’ he quizzed Alice and Dan, ‘Yeah, but only if Alice does’ said Dan giving his friend puppy dog eyes, ‘that is so unfair!’ she exclaimed letting out a small laugh, Dan started at her some more, his bottom lip upturned quite comically, ‘fine!’ exclaimed Alice flailing her arms in the air, ‘yay’ said Dan smiling and hugging Alice. Quickly Alice, Dan and Anthony raised from the table and walked into the hall way laughing.
Next day Ellie and her boyfriend Tyler are walking hand in hand down the hall, making love eyes at each other when Mario crashes into them, pulling his arm around their shoulder he leans between them, ‘I need your cash’ he said pointedly, Tyler looked at him straight faced and smirked, ‘why?’ he asked thinking Mario had lost his mind, ‘for the rave, I’m having the map sent to Dee’s and I can wire the cash today because I have a free period’ he explained, Ellie and Tyler smiled, she quickly opened up her smart bag and pulled out two $20 dollar bills, waving it in front of Mario, he quickly snatched it away and left them to it. Making his way over to Dee he draped his arms over her, exposing the cash he had on him, ‘is that everyone?’ asked Dee taking the money and flicking through it, suddenly she stopped, ‘we are short’ she said wincing, ‘how?’ asked Mario squinting his eyes, because we need another person or we aren’t going, unless you want to pay extra?’ she quizzed her boyfriend, ‘erm…No!’ he said quickly, ‘Ohh wait, IDEA!’ he said clapping his hands, ‘ask the freshman that’s always hanging with Alice and Dan!’ he says smiling at himself, Dee rolled her eyes and smiled also ‘I love it when you have good ideas baby’ she said sweetly, stealing a quick kiss from Mario and hurriedly walking away ‘Where you going?’ he asked watching Dee stroll away into the crows of people and rushing over to Dan who is stood talking to some friends and Alice, ‘you need to get that kid to come to the rave!’ Dee said baffling them both, ‘Anthony!’ she said happily, ‘he’s too young’ said Alice shaking her head, ‘we need another person to come or none of us go’ said Dee slightly frowning, ‘I mean, we could ask?’ said Dan hoping Alice would agree, ‘no way, it is not fair to take a freshman, we won’t even know what to do with himself’ said Alice factually, ‘but we could at least ask!’ said Dee battling her friend, ‘it can’t hurt to ask’ said Dan siding with Dee, ‘fine but you have to look after him!’ said Alice pointing to Dan, ‘I will’ he confirmed pretending to bite Alice’ finger, Dee smiled broadly and bit her lip, how she was excited!
Friday night and Dee is alone in her house, flicking through the TV stations she paused momentarily, watching a few seconds of a chat show, then a soap opera, finally she reached a music station and she relaxed, snuggling into the leather sofa she hums along with the tune, rhythmically bopping her head slightly, she flicked the remote a few more times and sighed, switching off the TV she reached for her cordless telephone, she quickly dials a number and held the phone to her ear as it rang she gazed around the room, looking for something to entertain herself, ‘hello’ called a manly voice at the other end of the phone, ‘Dan baby’ said Dee smiling for no apparent reason, ‘Oh hey Dee, what up?’ asked Dan, ‘I’m bored as hell’ she said feeling sorry for herself, ‘at leas you don’t have to baby-sit, bitch’ replied Dan quickly, no sympathetic tone to his voice, suddenly Dan shouted in the background ‘get off of the table now, I'm warning you!’ he shouted, obviously at his little sister – Dee laughed she could hear his sister cussing Dan out in the distance. ‘Oh hey did you ask Anthony?’ quizzed Dee, ‘Yeah he’s in’ said Dan slowly with a sigh, Dee quickly sat up and got out of her snug seat, making her way over to the front door to her coat, when she’d left her cell phone, ‘give me his cell phone number so I can reach him and tell him when to be ready, Ellie will be severely pissed if he’s la…’ suddenly Dee screamed and threw the phone through the air, she saw somebody run past her door, the glass stained she only saw the figure, from the phone Dan could be heard calling Dee’s name, she slowly approached the door, getting ever closer when she heard a car outside screech away, Dee cautiously unlatched the door and opened it, she quickly saw a cardboard box on the stoop, on her tip toes Dee ran out into the cold night, her breath leaving a smoke like trail behind her, she quickly picked up the box and dashed back inside, closing the door behind her, as the shut it she could still hear Dan shouting her name over the phone, holding the box under her arm she picked up the phone, ‘Hey’ she said walking back into her living room she explained what had happened, she pulled open the box and saw a satellite navigation device, ‘what is it?’ asked Dan enthusiastically, Dee held up the machine in front of her and smiled, ‘our map’ she said giddily.
The car trunk slams shut and Tyler and Mario look on as Ellie pulls another case through the front door, ‘how many do you need!?’ hollered Mario, baffled at Ellie brings the second suitcase to be stored in the already crammed trunk, Ellie glared at him and pulled the case along the floor, scraping the material, Mario shakes his head and walks away as Ellie ignores him and opens the back door, struggling she heaves the case into the back and slams the door shut, her hair in a pony-tail she flips her head in disgust at Tyler and Mario deciding not the help, the silence only broken by the twitter of birds in the trees lining the house, Tyler laughs as Mario talks to him and Ellie walks back into the house and sees Dee and Anthony sitting on the couch laughing and talking, ‘where the fuck are Dan and Alice?’ she demands, stamping one foot to the ground, securing her authority, just as Ellie begins to launch into a tirade of abuse about their lateness a car horn sounds and arching her back she peeks around the door to see Alice car backing up her drive way, Anthony and Dee stand up leisurely and follow Ellie outside, they all gather at Tyler’s car and Dee pulls the sat-nav out of her Dior, brazenly resting on her wrist for everyone to see, Tyler fiddles with the technology for a moment and then leans in his open window and sticks the black TV like machine to his dashboard, Ellie links arms with Dee and they stare at Tyler as he speaks, ‘Okay, lets go have fun’ he says slapping the bonnet of his car, he and Mario take the front seats, joined by Ellie, Dee and Lou in the back seats and Anthony and Alice in the extra seating in the trunk, they are all squeezed tight, shuffling for extra room they all get comfortable, Tyler slips a CD into the stereo and they begin their journey…
Manic panting and rushed footsteps, leaves brushing to a side, somebody is running, and they are running fast, their breaths short, their voice cracking as they talk to themselves, ‘shit’ whispers the person breathlessly, their short breaths making their speech hard to hear, suddenly a maniacal laugh, psychotic, the most frightening sound the person had heard, the girl stopped dead, she holds her breath as she listens cautiously for that laugh, the one she seemed to recognize, she took two steps forward, breathing shallowly as she did, her eyes dancing around the dense trees, sunlight pounding down on her skin, her shirt dirty and soaked from sweat, she took another step, placing her hands onto a close by tree, she held herself steady as she watched for movement, listened for any sudden sounds, urging herself on she walked slowly forward, between trees she stood, twitching her head to look around, she seemed petrified, the sweat dripping from her brow and down her face, she raises her hand and wipes her hair from her eyes, she needed not to panic, not to run, she’d seen them, witnessed those things tear her friend apart, desperately she starts walking faster, jogging but keeping a vigil on her surroundings, she had no idea where she was, or where she was going, all she knew was that she needed to get out of the woods, to find people, a road, anything but the woods she had been running through for hours, as she runs she hears branches snapping, are they her feet causing the snaps? She has no idea but the sheer fright causes her to sprint, holding her hands out pushing stray braches from her face, suddenly she grounds to a halt, a road! grasping at her chest she breaths heavily, relieved, she quickly jumps over a pile of rocks and in doing so she falls to the ground, clambering to pick herself up she finds an arrow embedded in the tree, quickly she looks around, like an animal, aware of a predator, she backs away from the tree and suddenly somebody grabs her from behind, struggling she kicks her feet, attempting to scream the persons hand meets her mouth, slapping her mouth closed, disallowing her to scream, to signal to anyone that she needed help, she muffles a scream, desperate to escape, her attacks hand is deformed, their fingers stumpy and twisted, she could taste the dirt from their hand in her mouth, the person grunted and kept a firm hold but somehow, by a fantastic chance she manages to bite at their hand, shouting in pain, she is released, blood smearing across her mouth and cheek and she breaks free, quickly she runs, but all of a sudden her foot is in excruciating pain, dropping to the floor she looks down, her foot snared in a bear trap, she screams and looks on as her attacker runs at her, his mouth wide, face twisted and mutated, eyes bulging he gets ever closer, she sees in his hand a large axe, rusted and bloodied, he swings it into the air and she holds her hand up to stop him, her only form of defence from this mad man, she lets out a scream which is cut short. SLICE, three fingers and a segment of her hand drop to the floor, the hunter releases his weapon and looks down, the blade embedded into the girls face, her two remaining fingers pinned to her disfigured face, blood oozing out of her mouth, the blade slicing through her left eye ball. The man tilts his head and smiles, his teeth brown and full of holes; he licks his lip and reaches down, pulling his victim onto his shoulder and letting out another sinister laugh.
Next day Ellie and her boyfriend Tyler are walking hand in hand down the hall, making love eyes at each other when Mario crashes into them, pulling his arm around their shoulder he leans between them, ‘I need your cash’ he said pointedly, Tyler looked at him straight faced and smirked, ‘why?’ he asked thinking Mario had lost his mind, ‘for the rave, I’m having the map sent to Dee’s and I can wire the cash today because I have a free period’ he explained, Ellie and Tyler smiled, she quickly opened up her smart bag and pulled out two $20 dollar bills, waving it in front of Mario, he quickly snatched it away and left them to it. Making his way over to Dee he draped his arms over her, exposing the cash he had on him, ‘is that everyone?’ asked Dee taking the money and flicking through it, suddenly she stopped, ‘we are short’ she said wincing, ‘how?’ asked Mario squinting his eyes, because we need another person or we aren’t going, unless you want to pay extra?’ she quizzed her boyfriend, ‘erm…No!’ he said quickly, ‘Ohh wait, IDEA!’ he said clapping his hands, ‘ask the freshman that’s always hanging with Alice and Dan!’ he says smiling at himself, Dee rolled her eyes and smiled also ‘I love it when you have good ideas baby’ she said sweetly, stealing a quick kiss from Mario and hurriedly walking away ‘Where you going?’ he asked watching Dee stroll away into the crows of people and rushing over to Dan who is stood talking to some friends and Alice, ‘you need to get that kid to come to the rave!’ Dee said baffling them both, ‘Anthony!’ she said happily, ‘he’s too young’ said Alice shaking her head, ‘we need another person to come or none of us go’ said Dee slightly frowning, ‘I mean, we could ask?’ said Dan hoping Alice would agree, ‘no way, it is not fair to take a freshman, we won’t even know what to do with himself’ said Alice factually, ‘but we could at least ask!’ said Dee battling her friend, ‘it can’t hurt to ask’ said Dan siding with Dee, ‘fine but you have to look after him!’ said Alice pointing to Dan, ‘I will’ he confirmed pretending to bite Alice’ finger, Dee smiled broadly and bit her lip, how she was excited!
Friday night and Dee is alone in her house, flicking through the TV stations she paused momentarily, watching a few seconds of a chat show, then a soap opera, finally she reached a music station and she relaxed, snuggling into the leather sofa she hums along with the tune, rhythmically bopping her head slightly, she flicked the remote a few more times and sighed, switching off the TV she reached for her cordless telephone, she quickly dials a number and held the phone to her ear as it rang she gazed around the room, looking for something to entertain herself, ‘hello’ called a manly voice at the other end of the phone, ‘Dan baby’ said Dee smiling for no apparent reason, ‘Oh hey Dee, what up?’ asked Dan, ‘I’m bored as hell’ she said feeling sorry for herself, ‘at leas you don’t have to baby-sit, bitch’ replied Dan quickly, no sympathetic tone to his voice, suddenly Dan shouted in the background ‘get off of the table now, I'm warning you!’ he shouted, obviously at his little sister – Dee laughed she could hear his sister cussing Dan out in the distance. ‘Oh hey did you ask Anthony?’ quizzed Dee, ‘Yeah he’s in’ said Dan slowly with a sigh, Dee quickly sat up and got out of her snug seat, making her way over to the front door to her coat, when she’d left her cell phone, ‘give me his cell phone number so I can reach him and tell him when to be ready, Ellie will be severely pissed if he’s la…’ suddenly Dee screamed and threw the phone through the air, she saw somebody run past her door, the glass stained she only saw the figure, from the phone Dan could be heard calling Dee’s name, she slowly approached the door, getting ever closer when she heard a car outside screech away, Dee cautiously unlatched the door and opened it, she quickly saw a cardboard box on the stoop, on her tip toes Dee ran out into the cold night, her breath leaving a smoke like trail behind her, she quickly picked up the box and dashed back inside, closing the door behind her, as the shut it she could still hear Dan shouting her name over the phone, holding the box under her arm she picked up the phone, ‘Hey’ she said walking back into her living room she explained what had happened, she pulled open the box and saw a satellite navigation device, ‘what is it?’ asked Dan enthusiastically, Dee held up the machine in front of her and smiled, ‘our map’ she said giddily.
The car trunk slams shut and Tyler and Mario look on as Ellie pulls another case through the front door, ‘how many do you need!?’ hollered Mario, baffled at Ellie brings the second suitcase to be stored in the already crammed trunk, Ellie glared at him and pulled the case along the floor, scraping the material, Mario shakes his head and walks away as Ellie ignores him and opens the back door, struggling she heaves the case into the back and slams the door shut, her hair in a pony-tail she flips her head in disgust at Tyler and Mario deciding not the help, the silence only broken by the twitter of birds in the trees lining the house, Tyler laughs as Mario talks to him and Ellie walks back into the house and sees Dee and Anthony sitting on the couch laughing and talking, ‘where the fuck are Dan and Alice?’ she demands, stamping one foot to the ground, securing her authority, just as Ellie begins to launch into a tirade of abuse about their lateness a car horn sounds and arching her back she peeks around the door to see Alice car backing up her drive way, Anthony and Dee stand up leisurely and follow Ellie outside, they all gather at Tyler’s car and Dee pulls the sat-nav out of her Dior, brazenly resting on her wrist for everyone to see, Tyler fiddles with the technology for a moment and then leans in his open window and sticks the black TV like machine to his dashboard, Ellie links arms with Dee and they stare at Tyler as he speaks, ‘Okay, lets go have fun’ he says slapping the bonnet of his car, he and Mario take the front seats, joined by Ellie, Dee and Lou in the back seats and Anthony and Alice in the extra seating in the trunk, they are all squeezed tight, shuffling for extra room they all get comfortable, Tyler slips a CD into the stereo and they begin their journey…
Manic panting and rushed footsteps, leaves brushing to a side, somebody is running, and they are running fast, their breaths short, their voice cracking as they talk to themselves, ‘shit’ whispers the person breathlessly, their short breaths making their speech hard to hear, suddenly a maniacal laugh, psychotic, the most frightening sound the person had heard, the girl stopped dead, she holds her breath as she listens cautiously for that laugh, the one she seemed to recognize, she took two steps forward, breathing shallowly as she did, her eyes dancing around the dense trees, sunlight pounding down on her skin, her shirt dirty and soaked from sweat, she took another step, placing her hands onto a close by tree, she held herself steady as she watched for movement, listened for any sudden sounds, urging herself on she walked slowly forward, between trees she stood, twitching her head to look around, she seemed petrified, the sweat dripping from her brow and down her face, she raises her hand and wipes her hair from her eyes, she needed not to panic, not to run, she’d seen them, witnessed those things tear her friend apart, desperately she starts walking faster, jogging but keeping a vigil on her surroundings, she had no idea where she was, or where she was going, all she knew was that she needed to get out of the woods, to find people, a road, anything but the woods she had been running through for hours, as she runs she hears branches snapping, are they her feet causing the snaps? She has no idea but the sheer fright causes her to sprint, holding her hands out pushing stray braches from her face, suddenly she grounds to a halt, a road! grasping at her chest she breaths heavily, relieved, she quickly jumps over a pile of rocks and in doing so she falls to the ground, clambering to pick herself up she finds an arrow embedded in the tree, quickly she looks around, like an animal, aware of a predator, she backs away from the tree and suddenly somebody grabs her from behind, struggling she kicks her feet, attempting to scream the persons hand meets her mouth, slapping her mouth closed, disallowing her to scream, to signal to anyone that she needed help, she muffles a scream, desperate to escape, her attacks hand is deformed, their fingers stumpy and twisted, she could taste the dirt from their hand in her mouth, the person grunted and kept a firm hold but somehow, by a fantastic chance she manages to bite at their hand, shouting in pain, she is released, blood smearing across her mouth and cheek and she breaks free, quickly she runs, but all of a sudden her foot is in excruciating pain, dropping to the floor she looks down, her foot snared in a bear trap, she screams and looks on as her attacker runs at her, his mouth wide, face twisted and mutated, eyes bulging he gets ever closer, she sees in his hand a large axe, rusted and bloodied, he swings it into the air and she holds her hand up to stop him, her only form of defence from this mad man, she lets out a scream which is cut short. SLICE, three fingers and a segment of her hand drop to the floor, the hunter releases his weapon and looks down, the blade embedded into the girls face, her two remaining fingers pinned to her disfigured face, blood oozing out of her mouth, the blade slicing through her left eye ball. The man tilts his head and smiles, his teeth brown and full of holes; he licks his lip and reaches down, pulling his victim onto his shoulder and letting out another sinister laugh.
omfg thats so scary and i love the poster!
AGH! Why cut it short?!
I demand to know what happens NOW! ;)
your so fuckin hot in your aacount picture
I love it! But you just HAD to make it a cliff hanger =/
Smart! I can't wait to read more.
You are a great writer with a lot of talent.
Love, Dei*
Nice story :P
Im jelous of dee o_o
im joking x)
Oh. My. God.
I'm in it! Yay! And woah, you've captured me well - Always the cautious, sensible one!
I loved it... Your stories are like drugs, you just need more and more and more. I was shaking when I was reading the 'attack' scene!
Great, great, GREAT writing! So atmospheric and intriguing!
- Hunni x x x
Oh god you put me in it! xD
thank you soo much! I adore this story and you are a fantastic writer! Very talented.
I have no comment! :D
Mario, you just gave a comment ;] <3
I love ittttt!! cant wait for more ;)
I cant wait to read more!
1. You are an extremely talented writer
2. You are insanely hot
Pahaha, great stories! There is so much emotion and detail in them, I just love them!
Thanks for putting me in your stories! Your amazingly talented!
Keep up the good work.
I have to ask - What's the relationship between Ellie and I? It appears she dislikes me immensly, whereas Dan and I are best friends?!?!?! Lol
- Hunni x x x
This is your best yet, Ryan!
I like the lead up, the killer sounds really creepy and the story reminds me of Wrong Turn. Thanks for including me once again, it's an honour my friend.
I love this story, along with all of the other ones you've written thus far! You are truly talented, and an insanely hot tamalee! :D
-Ashley Taylor
Awesome stories!
Really great imagery!
Can't wait to read more!
- Gina x
Who's the girl in the attach scene?? Is it an SD member or a normal girl?? I can't wait for the part that I come in at, this is an insanely good story Ry, I love it.
M!KA - Mik-Ma
ps: I CANNOT wait for the rest!
Hey, are you single? because I need a man and your so cute. Send me a friends request...Lo-Ver.
daamn your good.
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